If you left your front door open with no one home, would you wonder how you got robbed? Probably not. Unfortunately, that is exactly what most business owners do to their IT infrastructure without realizing it. Your job isn’t to understand the ins and outs of how a threat enters and persists in your environment. That’s where we come in. We have over 10+ years of experience in cybersecurity, dealing with the front and back doors people don’t know they are leaving open. Trawvid Sec can give your company the security posture it needs to withstand the ever evolving and dangerous cyber landscape.
Having started as just a couple of friends interested in hacking, we quickly discovered that the good guys needed help. Industry work, pursuing certifications, and constant new experiences fueled our growth and breadth of knowledge. Now we work in providing our expertise to businesses of all sizes that need to meet regulation and compliance standards, improve their security posture, train employees, pass an audit and much more. If you leave your security up to chance, you will face the harsh hand of the law for negligence when you are attacked by the bad guys. Protect yourself from all angles by letting Trawvid Sec do what it does best. Cybersecurity.